Artwork of Macomb County Teachers on Display at Anton Art Center

Old Tricks, Charcoal on Paper by Peter Doroh

Old Tricks, Charcoal on Paper by Peter Doroh

Anton Art Center is highlighting the work of Macomb County art teachers in the 2021 Macomb County Art Teacher Show. This exhibition consists of 45 artworks from area teachers and was juried by April Anue Shipp, a fiber artist and autodidactic figurative sculptor who has participated in many galleries in and around the Detroit area.

The show is an opportunity for art teachers that currently or previously live or work in Macomb County to demonstrate their art and inspire more people through art beyond the classroom. Artists submitted up to three original entries completed in the last two years and from any type of media. All artworks will be on display in the virtual exhibit on the Anton Art Center’s website (, and available in-person through June 15, 2021.

Alec, Oil Painting by Michelle Gerlach

Alec, Oil Painting by Michelle Gerlach

Phil Gilchrist, Executive Director of the Anton Art Center, is looking forward to the show, mentioning “Art teachers have such an important, positive influence in supporting art students of any age. This show is an opportunity for art teachers to exhibit their artwork and inspire on a larger scale across Macomb County. As a part of the community, the Anton Art Center is here to help art teachers reach more people through art.”

“The Anton Art Center’s art teacher show is an exciting community celebration of the outstanding creativity offered by Macomb County’s art teachers. The teachers’ artwork brings such a variety of backgrounds and experience to our gallery spaces to create a really unique and diverse tone”, adds Stephanie Hazzard, Exhibition Manager of the Anton Art Center, “It’s an experience you don’t want to miss!”


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