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Mike Ward Explores The Darkness and The Light in Latest Folk Album
Southeast Michigan, Headlines, Instagram Josh Holliday Southeast Michigan, Headlines, Instagram Josh Holliday

Mike Ward Explores The Darkness and The Light in Latest Folk Album

Mike Ward is a Detroit-based BMI singer and songwriter, but as an artist, he goes by Psychosongs. “Turns out there are a lot of Mike Wards creating music,” said Ward. His nickname, Psychoward, was appropriately named after his dance moves and skills on the ice playing hockey - And so, Psychosongs was born.

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CultureSource and Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Award $275,000 in COVID-19 Assistance Funds
CultureSource, Southeast Michigan, Headlines Josh Holliday CultureSource, Southeast Michigan, Headlines Josh Holliday

CultureSource and Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Award $275,000 in COVID-19 Assistance Funds

The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, in partnership with CultureSource, has announced that five organizations will each receive $55,000 for projects through the COVID-19 Arts and Creative Community Assistance Fund to creatively connect with their audiences while adhering to social distancing regulations.

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