Michigan Artists Create Protective Pendant Necklaces for COVID-19 Frontline Workers

Precious Stones for Precious People Project.jpg

Lansing-based Stone Jeweler & Artist Danielle Smith wanted to show her appreciation to the front line workers at Lansing’s Sparrow & McLaren Hospitals, and since then, has made and donated over 250 Wire Wrapped Amethyst Pendants for nurses and doctors specifically in the COVID-19 and I.C.U. units of both hospitals. Smith and her mother Robin, own Lithic Creation, a local business that makes stone jewelry founded in 2019.

Lithic Creation focuses on creating one of a kind jewelry from stones while providing stone work including slabs, specimens and collectables and prides themselves on providing their clients with information about where each stone came from, and how it was made. Each of the pendants created for the healthcare professionals was made with Amethyst since it is traditionally known as a protection stone. Danielle & her mother wanted to give protective pendants to the people who are in harm’s way fighting the virus, and helping others heel throughout the pandemic.

‘The Precious Stones for Precious People’ Project was an idea Danielle had back in May of 2020 to create the pendants as a show of appreciation to frontline hospital workers. “We wanted all of the healthcare workers to know that we saw them, we still see them, and that we appreciate everything they have done for the people of Lansing, and our community since the world changed a year ago,” said Danielle.

It took almost a year to actually make all of the pieces by hand. Danielle, her family, and her team at Lithic Creation were able to finish the pendants by March of 2021. They then delivered the pendants to the two Lansing hospitals at the beginning of April, and each pendant is attached to a necklace/leather neckband, and have been given along with a Thank You’ card.

With the April spike in COVID-19 cases in Michigan, these frontline healthcare workers continued to sacrifice themselves in an effort to combat the virus. Danielle is happy that she could give them a physical reminder that they are thought of and appreciated.

“These nurses & doctors are heroes that made themselves present in a time that is unprecedented,” said Danielle. “Those are the people that need to be celebrated.”

Each piece they create has a unique story. A large number of Lithic Creation’s collections consist of stones indigenous to Michigan, showcasing the beauty of their home state. They also use recycled materials, and they recycle their scrap metal back into their production creating a sustainable business that is environmentally conscious. Each piece is custom cut & custom wrapped, even if it comes from the same stone or slab, making each piece one of a kind. For more information on Lithic Creation, you can find them at www.lithiccreation.com


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